Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

1 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

1 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

Life without friendship is like the sky without sun.

2 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

2 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

friends cirlce decreases in size. But,
increases in value.

3 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

3 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

Thanks for always being there
to make me smile whenever I really need you.

4 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

4 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead.
Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow.
Just walk beside me and be my friend.

5 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

5 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

Sometimes listening music with best friend
is just enough to be calm.

6 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

6 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

Having a friend + brother
is a precious gift in this world.

7 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

7 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

Having a childhood friend in life
is like a real pearl in thread,
who always shine and make life bright.

8 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

8 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

To be your own friend is much better than to have
thousands of fake friends.

9 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

9 Top 10 Happy Friendship Day Wishes

It’s my promise I’ll always be there
whenever you need me,
even god calls me.

10 Top 10 All New Happy Friendship Day Wishes

10 Top 10 Happy Friendship Day Wishes

I’m not there with you all
but your memories are with me.
Miss you all idiots.

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