Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

1 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

1 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

What is Success ?
When your Signature becomes an Autograph.

2 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

2 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Who is best teacher ?
Your best teacher is your last mistake.

3 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

3 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Are we alone ?
Look at sky. We’re not alone.
The whole universe is friendly to us and
conspires only to give best to those
who dream and work.

4 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

4 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

How Attitude Makes Difference ?
All birds find shelter during a rain. But
Eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds.
Problems are common,
but attitude makes the difference.

5 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

5 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Difference Between Fool And Genius ?
A fool can become a genious
when understands he is a fool, but
A genious can become a fool
when he understands he is a genius !!

6 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

6 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

When Will Nation Happy ?
When mother is happy
Family is happy.
When family is happy
Nation is happy.

7 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

7 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

What Do Make A Person Successful ?
Confidence and hard work
is the best medicine
to kill the disease called failure.
It will make you successful person.

8 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

8 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

If you salute your duty,
you no need to salute anybody.
If you pollute your duty,
you have to salute everybody.

9 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

9 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Does A Man Need Difficulties ?
Man needs his difficulties
they are necessary to enjoy success.

10 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

10 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Great dreams of
great dreamers
are always transcended.

11 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

11 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

The best brains of the nation
may be found on
last benches of the classroom.

12 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

12 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Where Is Beauty ?
I’m not a handsome guy,
But I can give my hand-to-someone
who needs help.
Beauty is in heart, not in face.

13 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

13 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

“Black” colour is sentimentally bad.
But, Every blackboard
makes students lives bright.

14 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

14 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Without your involvement
you can’t Succeed
with your involvement
you can’t Fail.

15 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

15 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

It’s very easy
to Defeat someone,
It’s very hard to Win someone.

16 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

16 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Speak 5 lines to yourself every morning :
1. I am the best.
2. I can do it.
3. God is always with me.
4. I am a winner.
5. Today is my day.

17 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

17 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

All of us do not have equal talent.
But, all of us have
equal opportunity
to develop our talents.

18 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

18 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

What Are Dreams ?
Dreams are not what you see in sleep.
Dreams are those
which does not let you sleep.

19 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

19 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Why Do Difficulties Come ?
Difficulties in your life
do not come to destroy you, but to help you
realize your hidden potential and power.
Let difficulties know that you too are difficult.

20 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

20 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

In India we only read about
death, sickness, terrorism, crime.

21 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

21 Top 21 Inspirational Quotes By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

When i’m dead,
Don’t declare a holiday.
Instead work a day extra.

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